  • IOM Moldova - Media and Communications Unit

Chișinău, Moldova

Lilia and Yulia, a Ukrainian refugee and third-country national, fled Ukraine soon after the escalation of the full-scale war in February 2022. They were assisted in the Republic of Moldova by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) through the rental assistance program, financed by Norwegian government and other donors. IOM's goal was to ensure sustainable access to adequate housing in the medium to long term, with a primary focus on fostering inclusion and social cohesion. 

Photo: Lilia, from Kherson Oblast, Ukraine/IOM Moldova

“IOM Moldova's Rental Assistance programme, which I learned about from an IOM team member and social media, has been a lifeline for our family amidst the uncertain future. Before receiving this support, we faced overwhelming concern about how to afford our next rent payment, threatening our fragile sense of stability in a foreign country. Receiving this help, I understand how significant it is. Non-food items and food are very useful for refugees, but for many of us the initial question is how to pay for accommodation. Rental assistance has greatly eased my financial burdens, allowing me to focus more on my son's education and less on our daily survival, but it also offers us the comfort and dignity of a private living space where we can feel safe and start rebuilding a normal life. It's more than just financial aid; it is a gift of peace and security during these turbulent times. This support has strengthened our hope and determination to persevere until we can finally return home to Ukraine. The project has had a profound impact on our lives, providing not only a refuge, but a foundation from which we can look forward with optimism.”  

Photo: Yulia, from Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine/IOM Moldova

"The Rental Assistance programme has been pivotal in providing stability for my family. I arrived in Moldova with two children last year in March. Despite initial doubts, the decision to leave Ukraine was made very quickly when rockets hit neighboring houses. After a month and a half in Moldova I found a job. Working while receiving rent assistance so efficiently has allowed us to be more independent and happier, to stabilize our situation and to focus on integrating and working without the fear of eviction. With the conclusion of this project, I will participate in the IOM Livelihood program which promises new skills and potential job opportunities, fostering hope for a stable and independent future in Moldova. This comprehensive support from IOM has not only provided shelter but has been a cornerstone of our new beginning here.” 

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 1 - No Poverty
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities