This project, implemented by IOM, Mission to Moldova and IOM, Mission to the Czech Republic in partnership with the Moldovan Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family of the Republic of Moldova (MLSPF), aims to improve the situation of adult returned migrants in vulnerable situation by offering specialized services within the Social Protection System.

To achieve this objective, in September 2015 was opened the Crisis Service-Shelter for returned migrants in vulnerable situation. It is placed within the Republican Asylum for pensioners in Chisinau and its creation and piloting makes the core of this project. The goal of the services offered there is to ensure that migrants are socially protected, enabled in overcome their vulnerabilities and reintegrated into society. In addition to accommodation, medical, social and psychological assistance, migrants are offered legal counselling and help in releasing of new identification documents.

The Emergency Service – Shelter for migrants has the capacity of 10 beds and is functioning thanks to the staff of the Republican Asylum. Beneficiaries of the service-shelter are Moldovan citizens over 18, who have returned to Moldova as vulnerable migrants, as well as citizens identified in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, who are in crisis situation and need assistance to reintegrate into society/family.