
The district hospitals of Edinet and Cahul were equipped by IOM with a mobile radiological unit with the support of the German Government

21 February 2024, Edineț- Today, a mobile radiological unit was delivered by the International Organization for Migration in the Republic of Moldova to the Edinet District Hospital during an official handover event in the presence of the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Ion Prisăcaru, the IOM Moldova’s Emergency Coordinator, Margherita Vismara, and the hospital management.

The equipment is already installed and operational in the trauma and orthopedic ward of the Edinet District Hospital, and ensures rapid and accurate diagnoses for Moldovan citizens, migrants and Ukrainian refugees, as well as supporting the efforts of the hospital’s medical team in providing quality medical services as medical devices facilitate precise visualization of bone fragments, fix of fractures, insertion of screws and plates into bones, and assesses joints during surgery.

The donation worth 140,000 euros was made possible thanks to the generous financial support of the German Federal Foreign Office, within the project "Humanitarian and protection assistance to vulnerable people in Ukraine and neighboring countries affected by the conflict".

The Ministry of Health, together with international partners, continues to work to improve the health system and ensure access to quality health care for all citizens of the Republic of Moldova.


For more information, please contact: 

Riccardo Severi, Communications and Public Information Officer,, IOM Moldova

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being