
International travels and fever screening during COVID-19 pandemic at Points of Entry: IOM Mission to Moldova delivered Thermography Scanners to General Inspectorate of Border Police

International travels and fever screening during COVID-19 pandemic at Points of Entry: IOM Mission to Moldova delivered Thermography Scanners to General Inspectorate of Border Police

General Inspectorate of Border Police (GIBP), has benefited of eight Thermography Scanners offered by IOM Mission to Moldova with the support of the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund. The main purpose of this action is to support frontline Border Police staff to smoothly detect febrile passengers and ensure efficient infection control and prevention of COVID-19 at the Points of Entry (PoEs). The thermography scanner is an indispensable tool/equipment in this period, especially when some of the restrictions have been lifted.

The Hikvision DS-2TP31-3AUF Handheld Thermography Camera/Thermography Scanner is a detection tool designed for temperature measurement of the body considered to be one of the highest qualities on the market. It is equipped with a high sensitivity sensor with 160×120 resolution thermal detector, thus it quickly finds the fault given the high accuracy of temperature measurements done. The thermography scanner doesn’t have a limit screening number and the signs of coronavirus-related fever can be checked at the 1-2 meters long-distance, avoiding contacts. According to GIBP official data, more than 45000 people are crossing the border of the Republic of Moldova every day. The value of scanners donated is 8000$.

Mr. Valentin Fiodorov, Deputy Head of the General Inspectorate of Border Police, “IOM Moldova is one of our core partners during COVID19 pandemic. In the context when some of the restrictions have been lifted, the flux of citizens crossing the borders of the country will have been increasing significantly, thus an efficient measure to monitor the spread of coronavirus is very much needed. These scanners will help prevent importation of coronavirus cases by detecting the infected travelers at the border.”

Within the framework of the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund, IOM Moldova will additionally provide WASH supplies for 10 PoEs and support the development, updating and dissemination of international standards-compliant operating procedures for front-line border officials at the PoEs for detection, notification, isolation, management and referral of travelers potentially infected with coronavirus.

The UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund supports development, effectiveness and UN coherence through the efficient, accountable and transparent design and administration of innovative pooled financing instruments. The fund that is currently supported by the Governments of Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Switzerland offered UN Moldova one million dollars, out of which IOM Mission to Moldova implements the financial support of USD 120,000.

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being