
IOM Mission donates additional medical equipment to Oncology Institute

Chisinau- This morning, IOM Mission to Moldova donated to the Oncology Institute additional medical equipment such as an Endo cavity probe with puncture/biopsy and a needle guide.

The value of this donation, generously supported by the U.S. Government, is USD 5000.

The influx of Ukrainian refugees and third country nationals in Moldova has put a major strain on the national health budget due to the costliness of the provision of specialized healthcare services and equipment, including cancer treatment.

The medical equipment donate today is part of the overall IOM support to improve and assure the continuity of oncological treatment in the Republic of Moldova, in particular for women, children, the elderly, and persons living with disabilities and/or chronic diseases.

“The oncological institute team is honored to receive the equipment intended for patients with urological pathology and specifically intended for patients with suspected prostate cancer.

We have long wanted the Urological Oncology Department to have this device and it will be very helpful to us as we have approximately 600 patients each year with primary prostate cancer and many more come in with suspected prostate cancer.

The device provided will help us sample the prostate more accurately.”

(Veronica Ciobanu, Deputy Director, SOMA (Specialized Outpatient Medical Assistance)



For more information, please contact: 
Riccardo Severi, Project Officer - Media and Communications, IOM Moldova

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions