
IOM- Moldova marks World Tuberculosis Day

Participants of a public awareness campaign on Tuberculosis

Chișinău – In line with the annual celebration of the World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, the International Organization for Migration, Mission to Moldova, together with the National Tuberculosis Program, Phtisiopneumology Institute “Chiril Draganiuc” (PPI), organized a public awareness campaign on the 24th of March.

Activities included the placement and distribution of IEC materials and 500 hygiene kits within the 5 Refugee Placement Centers (RACs) and medical facilities into the country as well at the Points of Entry (PoEs) with the highest traffic. A short, animated video focused mostly on women is being disseminated in media (TV, Radio, social media).

These activities are part of a national information and community-based awareness-raising campaign “Let’s stop TB with Joint Efforts” within the project, “Enhancing Gender-Sensitive TB Detection, Surveillance, Treatment and Prevention among Mobile Populations from the Republic of Moldova (TB-MIG).


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SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being