
IOM's DDG Daniels: "At such a critical time, IOM remains firm in our commitment and support to the government and all people in Moldova"

29 August 2023

Text posted by IOM's Deputy Director General for Operation, Ugochi Daniels, on her LinkedIn page.

“I have just crossed the border into Ukraine, following 24 hours in Moldova. It is my first visit here, and it happened to be on Independence Day.

“Moldova is celebrating 32 years as an independent nation, and the pride in its culture, and the willingness to embrace a wider world are evident here. Also evident is how this country has dealt with the enormous consequences of the war in Ukraine and the impact of so many displaced people and refugees crossing through or staying in the country.

At breakfast, I met IOM Moldova's civil society organization partners, who work to protect and serve the most marginalized and impoverished of the refugees and displaced, so they can successfully integrate in society here or acquire skills they can use when they return home.

While meeting with the Minister for Labour and Social Protection, Alexei Buzu, I was impressed by his ministry’s program on Social Protection Reform. Despite many challenges, the government's commitment to "Leave No One Behind" is demonstrated by the national compensation scheme for most vulnerable households and the soon-to-be dedicated agency for prevention of violence against women and children.

Initiatives like this ensure a determined path towards European integration while also responding to existing humanitarian needs from a war with an unknown trajectory.

I was delighted to spend time with refugee mothers and their children at an IOM-supported centre in the capital Chisinau. I saw how these women and children not only cope but grow, become stronger, and reassert control over their lives and futures. In the harshest situation they find the strongest bonds between each other and their new communities.

At such a critical time, IOM remains firm in our commitment and support to the government and all people in Moldova to achieve immediate, medium- and long-term goals. This was a joint commitment echoed in my discussions with UN sister agencies and our valued donors. And I was able to reinforce that message during a wide-ranging interview with national TV.

It is clear to me that achieving the full potential of migration is of central, crucial importance for recovery and resilience in the shadow of the war in Ukraine. I pledge my support to the essential work being done by the determined IOM team, by government, and by the people.

La mulți ani de Ziua Independenței Moldova! Happy Independence Day Moldova!”


Ms. Ugochi Daniels, IOM's Deputy Director General for Operation.