
Meeting with the new Head of the General Inspectorate for Border Police to identify long-term opportunities for cooperation with IOM

Meeting with new Head of the General Inspectorate for Border Police to identify long-term opportunities for cooperation with IOM

Chisinau, January 25, 2023. Today, IOM Moldova’s Chief of Mission, Mr. Lars Lonnback, and the Head of the General Inspectorate for Border Police (GIBP), Ruslan Galușca, reviewed the outstanding long-lasting partnership between the two institutions. New long-term opportunities for cooperation on border governance were identified, to further strengthen GIBP’s capacities and support the alignment to the European Union standards.

Maintaining adequate response mechanisms, mobility and contingencies in the current complex regional context, EU accession as well as the operationalization of the Passenger Information Unit (PIU), including with the financial support of the IOM Development Fund, remain key priorities for the next period.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, IOM Moldova has provided the General Inspectorate for Border Police specialized equipment, technical assistance, and training to facilitate its ability to prepare, plan and implement integrated border management during emergencies. The equipment provided so far included patrol vehicles, specialized equipment for border management, including document authenticity verification and registration devices, control booths, IT equipment, surveillance, and network equipment, generators, heaters.



For more information, please contact: 
Riccardo Severi, Communications and Public Information Officer, IOM Moldova -

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions