
Mr. Lars Johan Lönnback, IOM’s Chief of Mission to the Republic of Moldova, participated remotely at the UN@75 Global Conversations event

Mr. Lars Johan Lönnback, IOM’s Chief of Mission to the Republic of Moldova, participated remotely at the UN@75 Global Conversations event

Today, 10 July 2020, Mr. Lars Johan Lönnback, IOM’s Chief of Mission to the Republic of Moldova, participated remotely at the UN@75 Global Conversations event organized by UNFP dedicated Moldovan demographics where the National Bureau for Statistics’ General Director presented the latest population statistics including figures on the Moldovan diaspora. Over 8.000 persons were logged on to the on-line event.

Mr. Lönnback outlined the impact of COVID-19 on migration dynamics in Moldova where, for the first time in decades, the country will see significant returns of of its diaspora, many bringing back acquired skills and investments. Mr. Lönnback stated: “Understanding Moldova’s socio-economic life means also understanding the situation for its diaspora, effectively one third of its citizenry. Returns brought on by COVID-19 could be a boon for the country if the government seizes the moment.”

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals