
Review of strategic priorities and plans on migration with the State Secretary of the State Chancellery

Chisinau- Review of strategic priorities and plans on migration with the State Secretary of the State Chancellery.

Today, IOM Moldova Chief of Mission, Lars Johan Lönnback, met Băluțel Adrian, State Secretary of the State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova, to review the current strategic priorities and plans for valorising the benefits of migration for Moldova’s development. 

The State Secretary expressed appreciation for the IOM’s long-standing support to Moldova’s migration policy making as well as the previous efforts to advance a national diaspora engagement system geared towards development. 
The Chief of Mission thanked Adrian Balutel for the Government’s cooperation, and for the close engagement with and interest in the UN global architecture and events relevant for migration.

Both officials concurred on the further need to strengthen the evidence-based national diaspora engagement framework at both central and local level, to inter alia ensure enhanced democratic participation in and support to transition and recovery. 
Lars Johan Lönnback welcomed the invitation for IOM to join the Diaspora Congress 2023.

For more information, please contact: 
Riccardo Severi, Project Officer - Media and Communications, IOM Moldova

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SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities