The UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund

Out of roughly 8000 infection cases in the Republic of Moldova, 20 percent are medical workers and up to 300 of the infected, are frontline border staff. Alarming COVID-19 statistics in the Republic of Moldova has led the IOM and its partner UN agencies to come forward with a new project. A six months initiative, part of the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund started to take place in Moldova in May, whereby, three UN agencies (IOM, UN Women, and UNICEF) are to address the urgent needs of health institutions, frontline border police staff, and different social groups.

IOM is as well highly concerned with the wellbeing and movement of the migrant population. Around 53.000 Moldovan migrants have already returned since March (until mid-May). In response to the rapid return of migrants amid COVID-19 difficulties in host countries, IOM is determined to support national institutions in providing an up-to-date data and analysis on the numbers and profiles of the returning Moldovan migrants.

The overall objective of the project is to ensure effective and accessible health service for COVID-19 patients in Moldova, with a focus on vulnerable groups. The emergency response of the national institutions will be supported through production of up-to-date data and analysis on the numbers and profiles of the returning migrants through the use of rapid surveying solutions.

The IOM supported the updating and dissemination of PoEs-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) applied at the state border to combat the spread of COVID 19 pandemic in full compliance with international human rights law and other relevant standards and practices. Furthermore, IOM also supported the development and implementation of a training curricula; and delivery of 4 online trainings.

Additionally, IOM assessed the existing PoE infrastructure, upgraded hygiene, water and sanitation facilities and waste management, and provided necessary supplies for COVID-19 screening for better manage the spread of the pandemic at the country’s entry points. Finally, IOM will support the emergency response of the national institutions through production of up-to-date data and analysis, and on the numbers and profiles of the returning migrants through the use of rapid surveying solutions.

Beneficiaries: Border Police, migrants, asylum seekers

Partners: Ministry of Health, Border Police, Ministry of Interior

Donor: UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund

Budget: 120 000 USD

Duration: 6 months (May 2020- October 2020)

IOM COVID-19 Situation Report