
The Cabinet of Ministers in Moldova approved a key policy document on return and reintegration of Moldovan citizens developed with the support of IOM and UNDP

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Chisinau, September 13, 2023.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the "National program to stimulate returns and facilitate the (re)integration of citizens of the Republic of Moldova involved in the migration process for the years 2023-2027", a policy document developed with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and United Nations Developing Programme (UNDP) under the Switzerland-funded project "Migration and local development".

Through this Program, the authorities aim to support citizens who decide to return to the Republic of Moldova, to identify solutions for the problems they face during the return process and to provide the necessary support for employment on the labor market. Access to medical, social, and educational services for returnees is also to be facilitated. According to the approved document, the launch of the businesses of the returned persons will also be supported and the experience of the diaspora will be capitalized, which can contribute to the modernization of the country and its economic development.

"Our priority and the general objective of the Program is to create European living conditions that will motivate citizens who have gone abroad to return to the country and contribute to building the prosperous future of the Republic of Moldova", said the Secretary General of the Government, Artur Mija.

The program includes an Action Plan that establishes the medium-term objectives and the activities to be carried out at the local and national level.

The Program to stimulate the return of migrants was developed in accordance with the main strategic document of the country - the National Development Strategy "European Moldova 2030", in which one of the priority directions of policies and interventions refers to the support and involvement of the diaspora. At the same time, the document is consistent with the priorities set out in the Government's Activity Program "Prosperous, safe, European Moldova". In this sense, the expansion of quality services, including digital ones, for the diaspora and the integration of the diaspora into economic life are among the major objectives of the Executive.


For more information, please contact: 

Riccardo Severi, Project Officer - Media and Communications, IOM Moldova