
The third Steering Committee Meeting of the IDF project on "Strengthening the Training Capacities of the Border Police in the Republic of Moldova (TRABOR)"

The 3rd Project Steering Committee Meeting was held online on 16 July 2021 and brought together representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoI), General Inspectorate of Border Police (GIBP), Centre of Excellence in Border Security (CEBS), Bureau for Migration and Asylum, General Police Inspectorate, Center for Combating Trafficking in Persons, Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova and Human Rights NGOs.

The project is implemented by the IOM Mission in Moldova with the financial support of the IOM International Development Fund and aim to support the GIBP institutional development and operation, by focusing on human resources development through the creation of a sustainable training system within the CEBS.

The meeting offered the opportunity to discuss the project's important achievements and way forward. IOM project team presented progress achieved in the implementation of the project's specific objectives, referring to the (i) comprehensive assessment of CEBS`s capacities and needs and development of CEBS`s “Strategic Development Plan” (II) comprehensive assessment of all the course units included in the current curriculum of the CEBS, and the three developed curricular documents. ToT course for CEBS’s trainers and project partners to provide specialized training on addressing cross-border crime and protecting migrants’ rights based on the EU standards and best practice in border guard training, including the EU Sectoral Qualification Framework for Border Guarding (SQF) (III) exchange visits for CEBS officers and project partners for better understanding EU standards and best practices for border guard training (IV) setting up of a border control training room at the CEBS, for training simulation purposes.

It was noted with great satisfaction that despite challenging circumstances, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, important progress was made under the project, completing all the activities planned and achieving the proposed specific objectives.

The MoI and GIBP representatives manifested appreciation of IOM's work towards implementing institutional reforms, developing human resources to ensure adequate preparedness for quality border control and observance of border regime in the border zone and border crossing points.

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities