Cine suntem
Cine suntemOrganizația Internațională pentru Migrație (OIM) face parte din Sistemul Națiunilor Unite în calitate de principala organizație interguvernamentală care promovează migrația umană și ordonată în beneficiul tuturor. IOM are o prezență în Moldova din 2001.
OIM Global
OIM Global
Munca noastra
Munca noastraÎn calitate de organizație interguvernamentală principală care promovează migrația umană și ordonată, OIM joacă un rol cheie în sprijinirea realizării Agendei 2030 prin diferite domenii de intervenție care conectează atât asistența umanitară, cât și dezvoltarea durabilă. În Moldova, OIM susține migranții printr-o varietate de activități de relocare, sprijin și protecție.
Transversale (Global)
Transversale (Global)
- Date și resurse
- Acționează
- 2030 Agenda
Migration and Development: Socio-Economic Issues handbook was launched
On 22 September 2017, at the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) was launched the “Migration and Development: Socio-Economic Issues” handbook written by Mr. Dorin Vaculovschi, Doctor of Economics and Associate Professor. The handbook was developed in 2016-2017 and will be made available to master degree students from the Master's School of Excellence in Economics and Business, Faculty of Management in Public Administration and Management and Development of Human Resources. The course will take two weeks. The handbook on socio-economic aspects was developed in parallel with the handbook on political- aspects, signed by Valeriu Mosneaga, PhD in Political Science. The handbook on political and juridical aspects will be used in a similar course at the State University of Moldova. Together, these two handbooks and courses aim to train a new generation of specialists, future public officials, able to manage and propose effective public policies in the field of migration. The event was attended by academics and ASEM students. The handbooks were developed thanks to the Global Program Mainstreaming Migration into National Development Strategies (MOMID), implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission to Moldova and the Program the United Nations in Moldova. Fore more information, please contact Mr. Vitalie Varzari at vvarzari@iom.int The “Migration and Development: Socio-Economic Aspects” handbook can be found here. The “Migration and Development: Political and Juridical Aspects” handbook can be found here. Please not the handbooks are available only in Romanian language.